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yoga for posture private classes in canberra with Elena Amani_edited_edited.jpg

Welcome to our Yoga for Posture home studio in Canberra. Our private yoga classes are designed to help improve your posture and overall well-being. As a posture expert, I understand the importance of proper alignment and the effect it can have on your body. Our classes are tailored to meet your individual needs and goals, whether you’re dealing with pain or looking to improve your athletic performance.

Yoga For Posture Private Classes Canberra

Find Your Private Classes

Before and after photos demonstrating the effects of Yoga for Posture
A student performing a neck correction exercise during a private yoga for posture class in Canberra, Australia.


 Regular neck correction exercises help me strengthen neck muscles, improve flexibility, and promote better alignment of the cervical spine
 Before and after photos of a student showing improved spine alignment from a private yoga for posture class in Canberra


  I learned how to keep my spine straight! It helps me to maintain the proper spinal alignment. Best Yoga classes in Canberra
 Before and after photo of a student demonstrating improved pelvis alignment from a private yoga for posture class in Canberra, Australia


I was able to align my hips and pelvis after a private class! Proper alignment of the hips and pelvis is essential for overall posture, balance, and movement. 
Before and after photo of Elena Amani demonstrating correction exercises for hip and shoulder alignment in a private yoga for posture class in Canberra, Australia


After a 6 - Week Private Yoga Program I was able to align my shoulders and hips, I learn how to reduce pain in mylower back and hip.

 Before Yoga for Posture & After

Happy Student 

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